Without Feathers

By Woody Allen

The following they are--some of the funniest stories and ruminations ever positioned into print, by means of one of many nice comedian minds of our time. From THE WHORE OF MENSA, to GOD (A Play), to NO KADDISH FOR WEINSTEIN, outdated and new Woody Allen enthusiasts will chortle themselves hysterical over those glowing gem stones.

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Homer used to be blind. Homer was once an emblem for T. S. Eliot, whom O'Shawn thought of a poet of "immense scope yet little or no breadth. " the 2 males met in London at rehearsals of homicide within the Cathedral (at that point entitled Million greenback Legs). O'Shawn persuaded Eliot to desert his sideburns and quit any proposal he may have of turning into a Spanish dancer. either writers then composed a manifesto pointing out the goals of the "new poetry," certainly one of which was once to put in writing fewer poems that handled rabbits. Aegnus and the Druids. O'Shawn used to be stimulated by means of Celtic mythology, and his poem that starts, "Clooth na naked, na naked, na naked . . . " tells how the gods of old eire reworked fanatics right into a set of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. loose adjustments. most likely refers to O'Shawn's desire to "alter the human race," whom he felt have been essentially wicked, in particular jockeys. O'Shawn used to be certainly a pessimist, and felt that no stable might come to mankind until eventually they agreed to reduce their physique temperature from ninety eight. 6, which he felt was once unreasonable. Blake. O'Shawn used to be a mystic and, like Blake, believed in unseen forces. This was once proven for him whilst his brother Ben was once struck by way of lightning whereas licking a postage stamp. The lightning did not kill Ben, which O'Shawn attributed to windfall, even though it took his brother seventeen years prior to he may get his tongue again in his mouth. O'Higgins. Patrick O'Higgins brought O'Shawn to Polly Flaherty, who was once to turn into O'Shawn's spouse after a courtship of ten years within which the 2 did not anything greater than meet secretly and wheeze at one another. Polly by no means discovered the level of her husband's genius and instructed intimates she inspiration he will be so much remembered now not for his poetry yet for his behavior of emitting a piercing shriek earlier than consuming apples. O'Leary's head. Mount O'Leary, the place O'Shawn proposed to Polly previous to she rolled off. O'Shawn visited her within the health facility and received her center along with his poem "On the Decomposing of Flesh. " name your mom. On her deathbed, O'Shawn's mom Bridget, begged her son to desert poetry and turn into a vacuum-cleaner salesman. O'Shawn could not promise and suffered from nervousness and guilt the remainder of his existence, even if on the overseas Poetry convention in Geneva, he bought W. H. Auden and Wallace Stevens every one a Hoover. really good stories and legendary Beasts (The following is a pattern of a few of worldwide literature's extra imaginitive creations that i'm anthologizing in a four-volume set that the rest and Sons plans to post pending the result of the Norwegian shepherds' strike. ) The Nurk The nurk is a poultry inches lengthy that has the ability of speech yet retains relating itself within the 3rd individual, equivalent to, "He's a superb little chook, isn't really he? " Persian mythology holds that if a nurk looks at the window sill within the morning a relative will both come into cash or holiday either legs at a chance. Zoroaster was once acknowledged to have bought a nurk as a present on his birthday, even if what he relatively wanted used to be a few grey slacks.

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