The Queen and I

By Sue Townsend

While a Republican social gathering wins the final Election, they strip the royal kin of every little thing and ship them to continue to exist a housing property within the Midlands. replacing caviar for boiled eggs, servants for a social employee named Trish, the Queen and her family members examine what it potential to be negative one of the nice unwashed. Is their breeding adequate so they can upward push above their replaced condition or deep down are they honestly similar to everybody else?

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Anne had to consider that she used to be up to speed. The Queen observed them to the door and watched as they obtained into the van. She suggestion, if Philip knew approximately his basically daughter’s assignation, it should kill him. She switched at the tv and watched the scoop. in keeping with the BBC, the rustic used to be approximately to endure an exhilarating rejuvenation. All demeanour of items have been to be replaced. There will be more cost-effective gasoline and electrical energy and cleanser rivers. Trident was once to be cancelled. There will be a greatest of twenty youngsters to a school room. There will be extra money for schoolbooks, extra medical professionals proficient. New engineering faculties may possibly open. Social safeguard will be doubled. past due or lacking giros have been it appears to be something of the earlier. The Queen watched as movie photos used to be proven of out-of-work construction staff as they besieged recruitment centres for what the BBC’s commercial correspondent acknowledged used to be to be ‘the greatest public housing development and protection programme tried within the country’. Damp, chilly homes have been to be mere stories. The BBC’s scientific correspondent proven that the economies as a result of the aid of damp-related health problems (bronchitis, pneumonia, a few forms of bronchial asthma) might retailer a fortune for the nationwide well-being provider. Then the surface broadcast unit took over and Jack Barker used to be noticeable at the steps of quantity Ten Downing highway, waving the record that foresaw these types of brilliant alterations. The close-up confirmed the name to be ‘The People’s Britain! ’ Multi-ethnic faces, smiling ecstatically, surrounded the royal blue lettering of the identify at the pamphlet. one other digicam attitude confirmed the gates on the backside of Downing highway. Shot from less than, the gates looked as if it would dwarf the urgent crowds status at the back of. Jack stepped as much as a microphone which used to be put in entrance of quantity Ten. ‘This govt retains its provides. We promised to construct part one million new homes this 12 months and we've got already given jobs to one hundred thousand development staff! Off the dole for the 1st time in years! ’ the gang yelled and whistled and stamped its toes. ‘We promised to chop the cost of public shipping and we did. ’ once more the gang went mad. a lot of them had travelled in by means of educate, tube and bus, leaving their vehicles at domestic. Jack went on: ‘We promised to abolish the monarchy and we did. Buckingham Palace has been swept fresh of parasites! ’ A cut-away shot confirmed the gang at the back of the barrier cheering louder than ever. Hats have been actually thrown into the air. The Queen shifted uneasily in her chair, discomfited by way of the keenness proven through her former matters for this actual success. whilst the cheers had died away, Jack persevered with fervour: ‘We promised you extra open executive and we'll provide you with extra open govt. So allow us to now, jointly, eliminate the barrier that separates the govt from its humans. Down with the limitations! ’ And Jack left the microphone and within the turning out to be darkness strode alongside Downing road in the direction of the gang. ‘Jerusalem’ blared out from preset audio system and males and females emerged from a parked van donning fire-proof overalls and welding hoods.

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