The High Price of Materialism

By Tim Kasser

In The excessive rate of Materialism, Tim Kasser bargains a systematic rationalization of ways our modern tradition of consumerism and materialism impacts our daily happiness and mental well-being. different writers have proven that after we've adequate meals, preserve, and garments, extra fabric profits do little to enhance our health. Kasser is going past those findings to enquire how people's materialistic wishes relate to their overall healthiness. He exhibits that individuals whose values middle at the accumulation of wealth or fabric possessions face a better possibility of disappointment, together with nervousness, melancholy, low vainness, and issues of intimacy -- despite age, source of revenue, or culture.

Drawing on a decade's worthy of empirical information, Kasser examines what occurs once we arrange our lives round materialistic ambitions. He appears to be like on the results on our inner adventure and interpersonal relationships, in addition to on our groups and the area at huge. He exhibits that materialistic values really undermine our overall healthiness, as they perpetuate emotions of lack of confidence, weaken the binds that bind us, and make us suppose much less loose. Kasser not just defines the matter yet proposes methods we will switch ourselves, our households, and society to develop into much less materialistic.

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1995); for tv, see Cheung and Chan (1996), Kasser and Ryan (2001), and Moschis and Moore (1982). eleven. extra in this are available in Kasser et al. (in press). 12. citation is from Maslow (1954), p. eighty two. bankruptcy four 1. Tolkien (1977), pp. 328-329. 2. See Maslow (1954), Fromm (1976), Rogers (1964), and Inglehart (1977). three. Kasser et al. (1995). four. The interview used to be in keeping with Brown and Rutter (1966), and the survey was once devised by way of Sameroff et al. (1989). five. Williams et al. (2000), Cohen and Cohen (1996). 6. Rindfleisch et al. (1997). 7. Rindfleisch et al. (1997), p. 321. eight. Kasser et al. (1995). nine. Cohen and Cohen (1996). 10. Inglehart (1971) is an effective position to begin for the speculation at the back of his rules. eleven. See Inglehart and Abramson (1994) and Abramson and Inglehart (1995) for information suitable to those 3 findings. 12. See Stewart and Healy (1989) for an attractive theoretical dialogue of a few comparable matters. thirteen. Ann Slater’s citation is from Winokur (1996). 14. See Feingold (1992) for a meta-analysis helping this end. 15. Buss (1989) develops the evolutionary proposal, and Caporael (1989) expresses the social view. sixteen. Kasser and Sharma (1999). 17. facts from Buss et al. (1990). 18. Kasser and Kasser (2001). 19. Van de citadel (1993). 20. See Becker’s (1973) vintage The Denial of dying and Solomon et al. (1991) for the fundamentals of those rules. 21. Kasser and Sheldon (2000). bankruptcy five 1. citation is from Kurt Anderson’s article within the big apple instances overview of Books (1999) in regards to the New New factor, through Michael Lewis. Clark’s real statements are available in Lewis (2000), pp. 259-261. 2. Diener et al. (1993). three. Brickman et al. (1978). four. determine five. 1 is from Myers (2000). five. eu facts from Easterlin (1995) and jap info from Diener and Oishi (2000). 6. Kasser and Ryan (2001). 7. Ryan et al. (1999). eight. Sheldon and Kasser (1998). nine. See Baumeister (1993) for a few views. 10. effects are from Chan and Joseph (2000), Kasser and Ryan (2001), and Sheldon and Kasser (1995); vanity goods are from Rosenberg (1965). eleven. See, for instance, Kernis and Paradise (2002) or Deci and Ryan (1995). 12. See Kanner and Gomes (1995), Kohut (1971), and Miller (1981). thirteen. Kasser and Kasser (2001). 14. See Carver et al. (1996) or Higgins (1987). 15. Khanna and Kasser (2001). sixteen. effects for Denmark and India from Khanna and Kasser (2001); for Hong Kong from Cheung and Chan (1996); for Finland from Murphy (2000); for Australia from Saunders and Munro (2000); and for the us from Kasser and Ryan (2001). 17. See Richins (1992, 1995) or Sirgy (1998) for extra on social comparability and materialism. 18. See Rahtz et al. (1988a, 1989) 19. Sirgy et al. (1998). 20. Richins (1991). 21. Braun and Wicklund (1989). 22. Getty citation is from Winokur (1996). 23. Kapteyn and Wansbeek (1982). 24. See, for instance, Hirschman (1992). bankruptcy 6 1. Hammer citation is from Winokur (1996). 2. See word 7 in bankruptcy three for a begin. three. See Putnam (2000). four. See Lane (2000), p. nine. five. Kasser and Ryan (2001). 6. Sheldon and Flanagan (2001); clash survey is from Straus (1979). 7. Khanna and Kasser (2001); the extra scale was once constructed via Moschis (1978).

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