The 13th Horseman (Afterworlds, Book 1)

By Barry Hutchison

Pratchett -meets-Python during this dark-comic myth with lots of motion, excellent for eleven+ boys

Drake is shocked to discover 3 horsemen of the apocalypse enjoying snakes and ladders in his backyard shed. He's much more shocked once they insist that he's one among them. They're lacking a Horseman, having undergone a number of Deaths and so they imagine that Drake is the boy for the task. first and foremost he's reluctant to herald Armageddon yet does being accountable for Armageddon need to spell the tip of the world?

An apocalyptic combination of riotous comedy, heart-stopping motion and a richly imagined fable experience.

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Uh, should still we aid him? ” Drake requested. struggle shook his head. “I wouldn’t suggest it. ” With a last spluttering cough, Famine hacked up a decent roll of paper, wrapped in a transparent plastic hide. It landed with a soggy splat at the flooring. “Told you,” conflict acknowledged. Groaning with the trouble, Famine stooped and retrieved the package deal. He wiped it on his tracksuit to dry it, then got rid of the water resistant wrapper and uncurled his agreement of employment. “Is it over? ” Pest requested, establishing one eye. while he observed that Famine used to be not regurgitating bureaucracy, he opened the opposite eye and taken either palms down from his ears. Famine’s sausage-fingers fumbled slowly in the course of the pages. someplace close to the final web page, he stopped. His bloated lips moved silently as he learn. “Anything? ” warfare requested. Famine nodded. “We develop into human, it appears. ” Pestilence’s lips appeared to tighten. “What? while? ” struggle snatched the agreement from Famine and skimmed over the web page. “Right away,” he stated, eventually. “Soon as we’ve accomplished using. ” He handed the agreement again to Famine. “You comprehend what that suggests? ” “We’ll be judged,” Pest gasped. “With the remainder of them. We’ll all be judged. ” “Still reckon we must always struggle through with it? ” battle requested him. Pest’s face had long gone light. Paler, even, than ordinary. “We have to,” he whimpered. “Don’t we? ” “The means I see it,” stated warfare, “is that, one, we don’t recognize if this is often the genuine Apocalypse... ” “If it was once the true one there will be signs,” Drake stated, remembering the dialog on Pest’s horse. “You acknowledged so your self. Raining blood, plagues of locusts, all that. You noticeable any locusts round right here in recent years? ” “No,” Pestilence admitted. He wrung his arms jointly, nervously. “But, still—” “Two,” stated battle, aggravated via the interruption, “if it's the genuine Apocalypse, then this clown is simply going to make a correct mess of it. No offence. ” “None taken,” Drake guaranteed him. “Three, we’ll be judged besides the people, which I don’t fancy one little bit. ” Pest chewed his lip. “I recognize all that, but... it’s our task. We’ve acquired to head via with it. ” struggle squeezed the bridge of his nostril among gloved palms. He sighed loudly, then regarded Pest squarely within the eye. “I’m in basic terms going to assert this once,” he stated, his voice low. “And after that, we’re by no means going to speak about it back. ” He cleared his throat. “I... don’t brain being within the shed with you either. I whinge approximately it, aye, and part the time you do my head correct in, together with your whingeing and moaning and arguing and—” “Was there some degree coming? ” requested Drake. “What? Oh, aye. Aye. ” conflict appeared as much as the sky, then again at Pest and Famine. “If I’m being sincere, the opposite purposes don’t topic. the very fact of it truly is, I don’t wish the Apocalypse. i presumed I did, yet I don’t. I don’t wish every thing to finish. I don’t wish us 3 to finish. ” “Us four,” acknowledged Pest, nodding in Drake’s course. “Aye. good. no matter what. I’m just... I’m no longer prepared for it. now not but. ” Pest appeared around the faces of the others. “What’ll ensue if we don’t experience? ” struggle shrugged. “No proposal. ” An fearful smile twitched throughout Pestilence’s lips.

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