Rosenzweig and Heidegger: Between Judaism and German Philosophy

By Peter Eli Gordon

Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929) is largely seemed this day as some of the most unique and intellectually not easy figures in the so-called renaissance of German-Jewish suggestion within the Weimar interval. The architect of a special type of existential theology, and a tremendous effect upon such philosophers as Walter Benjamin, Martin Buber, Leo Strauss, and Emmanuel Levinas, Rosenzweig is remembered mainly as a "Jewish thinker," frequently to the overlook of his broader philosophical matters. slicing around the synthetic divide that the aggravating reminiscence of nationwide Socialism has drawn among German and Jewish philosophy, this e-book seeks to revive Rosenzweig's proposal to the German philosophical horizon within which it first took form. it's the first English-language research to discover Rosenzweig's enduring debt to Hegel's political conception, neo-Kantianism, and life-philosophy; the publication additionally offers a brand new, systematic examining of Rosenzweig's significant paintings, The famous person of Redemption.

Most of all, the booklet units out to discover a stunning yet deep affinity among Rosenzweig’s proposal and that of his modern, the German thinker Martin Heidegger. Resisting either apologetics and condemnation, Gordon means that Heidegger’s engagement with Nazism are not vague the profound and intellectually compelling bond within the once-shared culture of recent German and Jewish notion. A remarkably lucid dialogue of 2 particularly tricky thinkers, this e-book represents an eloquent try to bridge the compelled contrast among smooth Jewish inspiration and the historical past of recent German philosophy—and to teach that any such contrast can't be sustained with out doing violence to both.

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Grown past dependency at the person guy. And so [Hegel] will now find within the nation anything extra, anything altogether diversified than the guarantor of the rights of guy; he'll not constrain himself to believing that justice will be the top degree of its rule. (HS, I: 88) Hegel’s answer (according to Rosenzweig) was once to figure within the “fate” of Jesus the symptomatic isolation attending a primarily liberal version of the nation as a created factor. for so long as the country is conceived as whatever artificial (hence lifeless), Christianity may persist within the phantasm of a existence past politics. yet as soon as the nation is itself well-known because the higher sphere of lifestyles, Christianity can't stay apolitical with out introducing a fateful department inside of lifestyles. As Rosenzweig explains, it isn't, then, a trifling “covenant” [Bund] with the area that first creates the “possibility of fate”; destiny additionally meets whosoever thwarts it, whoever is sublimely above destiny additionally meets destiny; and the main elegant of all, the destiny of this, the top guilt that's born within the maximum guiltlessness: Whoever might shop his existence, he shall lose it. because the nation used to be now conceived because the optimum theater of existence, incidental human matters reminiscent of these of agreement and justice have been (in Rosenzweig’s phrases) “cast apart. ” yet in filing to the kingdom, the person had no make sure that it is going to act on her subjective behalf. destiny used to be as a result “something unavoidable” from which the person “cannot—and . . . are usually not, extricate himself. ” “It stands there in all its greatness, and,” Rosenzweig concludes with palpable pride, “an component to this destiny is the nation! ” (HS, I: 88; emphasis in unique) the newness of this interpretation lay in its declare that Hegel’s political conception used to be an instantaneous outgrowth of his early theological issues. the belief of the nation was once born, in accordance with Rosenzweig, from the “struggle among half and full” that had first seemed in Jesus’ struggles opposed to an inhospitable global. yet within the area of some months, the fight had come to an end—in Rosenzweig’s phrases, “the entire had definitively gained. ” The country now represented “the energy of the final over the individual,” lending sovereignty its “necessary personality. ” fifty nine fifty nine. examine Lukács, who writes, “Even although the destiny of the person continues to be a type of leitmotiv during the interval and as such is without doubt one of the elements accountable for the 02-C2593 3/27/03 12:23 PM web page a hundred and ten a hundred and ten hegel’s destiny A conceptual puzzle in Rosenzweig’s interpretation used to be that it represented the kingdom as either an element of destiny and at the same time its answer. Like Hegel’s notion of the Jewish God, the country had turn into a manifestation of elegant strength; it was once the final type of that “monstrous” international that when adversarial the sorrowful attention. The come across among nation and topic was once for this reason considerably unequal, for while it healed the one-sided lifetime of finite subjectivity, the country additionally placed an finish to the subject’s hopes to come across the realm as an expression of his personal subjective will.

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