More Money, Please: The Financial Secrets You Never Learned in School

By Scott Gamm

Own finance 101—without the homework or quizzes

Most folks graduate highschool with a uncomplicated realizing of background, math, technology, and literature, but if it involves own finance—arguably the subject that we use such a lot in our day-by-day lives—we consider misplaced or beaten. now not! forged apart your worry of FICO ratings and your confusion approximately charge cards, simply because Scott Gamm, founding father of and pupil at NYU Stern college of industrial is right here to help.

MORE cash, PLEASE is a accomplished, easy-to-understand advent to funds administration. Gamm walks readers during the fundamentals of private finance, from discounts debts to scholar loans, including:

• the foundations for development a budget—and sticking with it
• the way to pay for school with out moving into lots of debt
• Why getting a bank card is an effective thing—if you decide the best one
• how one can use your shrewdpermanent mobilephone to pay accounts on time
• Why it’s very important to save lots of for retirement straight away

A must-read for students and up to date grads, extra money, PLEASE will enable you take keep watch over of your funds.

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