Keep Calm and Carry On

Packed filled with cheery motivational prices, proverbs and mantras, Keep Calm and hold On is an uplifting reward e-book intended to provide you a lift via afflicted occasions. came across on a poster created by means of the British Ministry of knowledge for British infantrymen ahead of global warfare II, the slogan nonetheless manages to ring a bell in our present tough times.

"Success is the facility to move from one failure to a different without lack of enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

"Don't pass judgement on on a daily basis by means of the harvest you attain, yet through the seeds that you just plant." --Robert Louis Stevenson

"It's a recession while your neighbor loses his task; it is a melancholy in the event you lose your own." --Harry S. Truman

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Helen Nielsen DON’T fear in regards to the global COMING TO AN finish this day. IT’S ALREADY the following day IN AUSTRALIA. Charles M. Schulz HURRYING AND caring will not be kind of like energy. Nigerian proverb IT AIN’T no need placing UP YOUR UMBRELLA until IT RAINS. Alice Caldwell Rice COPING the way OUT is often via. Robert Frost it's a universal adventure challenge tough AT evening IS RESOLVED within the MORNING AFTER THE COMMITTEE OF SLEEP HAS labored ON IT. John Steinbeck continually giggle if you CAN. it truly is reasonable drugs. Lord Byron THE ROBBED THAT SMILES, STEALS whatever FROM THE THIEF. William Shakespeare HE WHO HAS A WHY TO reside CAN undergo nearly ANY HOW. Friedrich Nietzsche i will be able to think not more cozy mind set FOR THE behavior OF existence THAN A funny RESIGNATION. W. Somerset Maugham THE artwork OF residing LIES much less IN taking away OUR issues THAN IN turning out to be WITH THEM. Bernard M. Baruch whereas THERE ISA probability OF the area GETTING via ITS problems, I carry moderate guy HAS to act as if HE have been definite OF IT. IF on the finish YOUR CHEERFULNESS isn't JUSTIFIED, AT ANY expense you may have BEEN joyful. H. G. Wells existence IS A SHIPWRECK, yet WE mustn't ever put out of your mind TO SING within the LIFEBOATS. Voltaire IF ALL MISFORTUNES have been LAID in a single universal HEAP WHENCE each person needs to TAKE AN equivalent element, most folk will be CONTENTED TO TAKE their very own AND leave. Socrates MY faith OF lifestyles is often TO BE pleased. George Meredith there's no difficulty SO nice OR GRAVE that can't be a lot reduced by way of a pleasant CUP OF TEA. Bernard-Paul Heroux comfort HOW CAN they are saying MY lifestyles isn't really successful? HAVE I no longer FOR greater than 60 YEARS obtained adequate TO devour AND ESCAPED BEING EATEN? Logan Pearsall Smith IF we'll BE QUIET and prepared adequate, we will locate repayment IN each unhappiness. Henry David Thoreau PROSPERITY isn't really with no MANY FEARS AND DISTASTES, AND ADVERSITY isn't with no COMFORTS AND HOPES. Francis Bacon MY lifestyles HAS BEEN full of negative MISFORTUNE, so much OF WHICH by no means occurred. Michel de Montaigne switch 20 years FROM NOW you may be extra dissatisfied by means of THE issues that you simply DIDN’T DO THAN by way of those you probably did DO. SO THROW OFF THE BOWLINES. SAIL clear of secure HARBOR. seize THE alternate WINDS on your SAILS. discover. DREAM. realize. Mark Twain the single distinction among A RUT AND A GRAVE IS THEIR DIMENSIONS. Ellen Glasgow IF YOU’RE IN a foul state of affairs, DON’T fear, IT’LL switch. IF YOU’RE IN a superb state of affairs, DON’T fear, IT’LL switch. John A. Simone Sr. IF before everything YOU DON’T be triumphant, attempt, try out back. THEN hand over. THERE’S NO element IN BEING A rattling idiot approximately IT. W. C.

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