Halakhic Positions of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik

By Aharon Ziegler

In Halakhic Positions of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, insights into Jewish legislation from the preeminent determine of twentieth-century sleek Orthodoxy are provided in a transparent and concise demeanour. generally known as "the Rav," Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, zt" l, has encouraged and prompted the highbrow brain and touched the delicate hearts of hundreds of thousands of individuals. whereas he was once now not inevitably referred to as a decisor, or poseik, of halakha, he was once well known as someone who had the uncanny skill to conceptualize the spirit of Jewish legislation on a common point. all through his lifetime, the Rav released few works, transmitting his Torah wisdom via sessions and lectures in its place. As a pupil of Rabbi Soloveitchik for a few years, Rabbi Aharon Ziegler accrued an enormous library of notes and tapes at the Rav's halakhot. during this quantity he stocks the Rav's precise and maybe lesser recognized halakhic positions on a variety of themes, together with: *The process for lighting fixtures candles on Friday evening; *Celebrating Thanksgiving and consuming turkey; *Using grape juice for the 4 cups of wine at a Seder; *Giving an aliyah on Mincha Yom Kippur to somebody who can't quick; *Covering one's head in the course of davening; *Fast days and pregnant ladies; *Bris Milah via a nonobservant Mohel; *Discarding previous, tired tzitzis; and *Many different concerns concerning the Sabbath, vacation trips, prayer, and existence cycle occasions. even if studied within the synagogue, institution, or Jewish domestic, those phrases of knowledge from the Rav offer glimpses into the phenomenal brain of 1 of the best thinkers in Jewish heritage.

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Whilst the sheliach tzibbur repeats the Shemonah Esrei (Chazoras Hashatz), he's status on my own and pleading Hashem on behalf of his congregation and for all Klal Yisroel. this is often certainly an amazing accountability, which one needs to settle for with severe modesty. simply after the 3rd request should still this calling be permitted. in response to Rav Soloveitchik, Chazal discovered this from Moshe Rabbeinu at his come across with Hashem on the S’neh (burning bush). In Parshas Sh’mos (3:2), Moshe is charged with the accountability of saving the Jewish humans from their oppression. first and foremost, Moshe is reluctant. For this, the Gemorah (Zevachim 102a), quoted via Rashi, says that he used to be duly punished. In Parshas Vaeira (6:12), Moshe back is charged with a project; once more he hesitates and says that he's now not certified to be a spokesman for his humans. Hashem persists, and Moshe acquiesces, accepting his task. This time, in spite of the fact that, Rashi brings up no talmudic or midrashic resource relating to punishment. Why was once Moshe now not punished as sooner than? Rav Soloveitchik explains that during Parshas Sh’mos, Moshe’s venture used to be easily considered one of saving the Jewish humans from additional anguish and oppression. This constitutes a decision to accomplish a mitzvah of hatzoloh. for that reason, procrastination can't be tolerated. even if, in Parshas Vaeira, Moshe used to be given the mantle of management, which, via its very nature, calls for humbleness. His reaction was once certainly the proper reaction of a real Jewish chief. Likewise, Chazal felt that one specific Torah aliyah is thought of as better in significance than the other: being referred to as for the final 8 Pesukim of the Torah. The Gemorah (Bava Basra 15a) states that Yochid Koreh Ohsom—a yochid may still learn those final 8 Pesukim; a yochid can confer with anyone distinctive whom the congregation reveres. once we learn those Pesukim on Simchas Torah—the in simple terms time we learn them—we seek advice from the single commemorated with this aliyah as “Chosson Torah. ” to be able to meet the requirement of being known as 3 times earlier than accepting this exalted honor, the gabbai will recite the Birshus, which calls the individual thrice: Amod, Amod, Amod. 6 Tefillas Maariv as Tefillas Reshus Chazal tells us (Brachos 26a) that our Avos—Avraham, Yitzchok, and Yaakov—established our Tefillos. Avraham is pointed out with “Tefillas Shacharis,” Yitzchok is credited with “Tefillas Mincha,” and Yaakov instituted “Tefillas Maariv. ” that very same Gemorah, in spite of the fact that, documents one other opinion: that our Tefillos have been created to commemorate the day-by-day sacrifices within the Bais Ha-Mikdosh. the straightforward knowing of the Gemorah is that either reviews are right and supplement one another. Our Avos certainly confirmed the 3 tefillos, however the development, frequency, and timing of every follows that of the day-by-day korbonos. The query, notwithstanding, is the place precisely “Tefillas Maariv” suits into all this, for there have been merely day-by-day sacrifices: the tomid-shel-shacharis (morning) and the tomid-shel-bain-Ha’arbayim (afternoon). This very query brought on a Tannaic dispute.

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